by Michelle Watson
I went to one of the most amazing weddings I've ever attended. Haley
and Caleb are two who have done it right and the feeling of joy on their
day was literally palpable.
the wedding started I was catching up with my friend Dan, a guy I
haven't seen much since serving together on a youth staff in our early
20's. If you were a fly on our shoulders, here's what you would have
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Me: I LOVE my life! As a single woman I have so much freedom in this season as God keeps opening so many incredible doors!
Dan: Well, it sounds like God has given you the gift of singleness.
Me: I'm not so sure that's it.
Dan: Yes, it definitely sounds like God has given you the gift.
that, the wedding started. And without even realizing that Dan's
comments had been rolling around in my head during the ceremony, as soon
as the couple exited the church I realized that something wasn't
sitting right. I turned to my friend and continued.
Me: I
don't actually know what the gift of singleness is but I know that I
don't have it. I'm open to marriage if God brings a guy along. But I can
tell you what this is about: I don't fight the Father anymore.
Dan: Maybe you don't have it then.
couple of weeks later I was at a conference and told my friend Paul
this story, prompting him to say something from the platform: "If you're single today then for today God has given you the gift of singleness." Without hesitating, this prompted one woman to shout out, "But what if you don't want the gift?"
can relate. I'm 54 and have never been married. I used to think
something was wrong with me because a guy hadn't chosen me or deemed me
worthy of taking his name. But I'm so over that now.
finally decided to get on with living my life whether I had a husband
or not. I finally decided not to fight my Abba Father anymore. I finally
decided to accept where he has me rather than constantly demanding he
do life on my terms.
guess you could say that for me the gift of singleness is exactly that:
a gift. I'm constantly in relationship with a Father who allows me to
participate in what he's doing, and for me that has nothing to do with
my martial status. And that is the best gift ever!
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Watson is a passionate God-follower whose mess has been turned into her
message. As founder of The Abba Project she helps dads decode their
daughters. Her recently released book is Dad, Here's What I Really Need From You: A Guide for Connecting with Your Daughter's Heart (Harvest House, 2014). Connect at
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