Sunday, October 2, 2011

Influence Through Prayer

By Cheryl Lee Davis

She prayed for me for nine months. I didn't ask her to do this. I’m not even sure I wanted it. But God heard and he answered. My life was dramatically changed that summer —why? Because that summer – the one before my junior year in high school -- my sister prayed for me over and over and over again. She took my name and my attitudes and actions before the Lord and asked him to move on my behalf. And he answered.

At sixteen my life was transformed. A foundational benchmark was established as I committed to serve God fully.

Prayer is one monumental way that a woman influences.

Do you ever go to prayer as a last resort? Have you ever said, “All we can do is pray”? As leaders, if we are not careful, we might limit our influence to the gifts and abilities granted us. There’s no doubt that God created each one of us uniquely, with strengths and personalities and abilities to lead and influence well for his kingdom. But what if we viewed our influence differently? What if we built up our prayer muscles and relied on the strength of God before we applied our own strengths? What if we decided to pray first? What would that look like? What if our day started with prayer—even before brushing our teeth or turning on the coffee? What if we prayed about even the little things?

We might pray about the outfit we are going to wear, we might pray over every meeting, every decision, and even for the guy at Starbucks—or better yet—decide to take our coffee money and give it to a worthy cause. This could get exhausting, scary even, but would it make a difference? Could it make a world of difference?

Our lives are filled with multiple opportunities to influence others. Those opportunities often help us to discover, learn and grow into our calling, our assignment—and that is good. But prayer moves our influence to unimaginable levels. When we submit ourselves and others to God, something more significant happens. His influence in our lives is multiplied. Our influence is multiplied as well.

So . . . pray. Try it for thirty days. For one month completely change your leadership habits and pray about everything. Pray first. Pray before you do anything. Watch God move. Watch his influence change things around you.

Cheryl Lee Davis lives in Kansas City with her husband and two children. She serves as Vice President of Ministry Development at Stonecroft Ministries. You can read more from Cheryl on her blog at


  1. Thank you for such a sweet reminder and a good challenge....thank you.

  2. Prayer -- the most powerful thing we Believers can do. I read an interview with Billy Graham. The interviewer asked Mr. Graham what would he do differently if he was starting his ministry right now. Mr. Graham said he would pray more.

    God will move mountains when his people truly pray. Thank you for reminding me, Cheryl.
