Monday, March 25, 2013

Healing from Piercings

By Tara Lee

"Ouch!" My muted yell broke the silence of the dark, sleeping household. Whether it was a stale Cheerio or a razor-sharp Lego, stepping on something caused an unmistakable sting in the arch of my foot. As I ventured another step, I realized something was stuck to the bottom of my foot. Something sharp!

Trying not to wake my husband or kids, I bent down to crawl toward the bathroom. The rhythmic pounding in the arch of my foot matched the beat of my knees as they carried me across the floor. After turning on the light and examining the mysterious object, I knew my husband's blissful sleep must be interrupted. "Honey, there is an airplane stuck in the bottom of my foot! I need your help!" My dazed and sleepy husband stumbled across the dark bedroom, squinting from the bright light. Like a scene from an alien movie, I turned my foot over to reveal my son's metal toy airplane lodged several inches into the arch of my foot! Cringing, crossing his legs, trying not to peek but looking with curiosity, my husband pulled the airplane out on the count of three!

With the support of my husband's arm, I hobbled to the van and we headed to the emergency room.  After three excruciating power washes, a tetanus shot, pain killers, and a special orthopedic shoe, I was discharged. And then, after only a few weeks, the wound healed and my scar was barely visible.  
While I distinctly remember the pain from my airplane wound, the healing process was fairly simple. I wish the same was true of the invisible wounds of the heart. Rather than damage from a toy airplane, a wounding in our hearts may have occurred from a piercing word. The painful diagnosis confirming a chronic or deadly illness. Rejection from a loved one. A lie. Broken dreams. Failure. Unfortunately, internal piercings of our heart are not usually visible, but can remain unhealed, gaping wounds that cause pain for years.

During Holy Week, as we make our way toward Easter, we are reminded that God went to great lengths to heal our wounds. As the Great Physician, Jesus Christ has the ability to cleanse and deeply heal our piercings. "But he [Jesus] was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:5)."   

My airplane injury taught me the importance of paving a clear path to safely walk through my bedroom at night. But more importantly, the airplane injury affirmed what I am learning through this journey of life - although trouble will come, bringing our wounds to Jesus will produce healing, and over time scars fade. Because his remain.

Tara Lee has a B.A. degree in Social Work is currently pursuing her Master's of Education degree from Cedarville University. Tara and her husband, Jeff, enjoy raising their four children, ages 8 to 13. Her book, Mothering Isn't for Babies, was recently released. Tara is the Homeschool Principal for Dayton Christian School System.


  1. Tara,
    Your short devotion and reminder really spoke to my heart today. Sorry for your accident but God never wastes pain and even if it was to share this for me today I am blessed.
    A Cedarville Alum,

  2. Tara,

    Very nice article. Good choice of words and a good lesson in it all. Have a blessed Holy Week.

  3. Love the word pictures I see in this! Our temporary afflictions can serve to teach us so much about the ultimate price He so willing paid so we would not have to and to reconcile us back to our Father. Thank you for creating and sharing such a well written work with us all as a reminder of this!
    Wonderfully caught in His furious love,

  4. Tara,
    Thank you for a great your ending line that reminds me that over time our scars fade because His remain. What love...what a sacrifice! Have a joyous Easter!
